Moles: The Underground Menace

Moles are notorious for their destructive digging habits, creating unsightly mounds and damaging lawns and gardens. These subterranean creatures can quickly turn your outdoor oasis into a battleground.

Understanding Moles

Moles are primarily after the grubs and insects living beneath the soil, not your plants. However, their tunneling activities disrupt root systems and create unsightly mounds. While they might seem like a nuisance, they do play a role in aerating the soil.

Mole Control: A Humane Approach

At Knock 'Em Out Pest Control, we believe in humane and effective mole control methods. Our approach focuses on trapping and removal, rather than harmful poisons. Our skilled technicians will assess your property to determine the best course of action.

Common Mole Control Myths:

  • Repellents: While some homeowners swear by repellents, their effectiveness is often limited.

  • Poison: Using poison to control moles is not only harmful to the environment but can also pose a risk to pets and children.

Trust the experts at Knock 'Em Out Pest Control to handle your mole problem efficiently and humanely.

Contact Us

Pest problem? Call Knock 'Em Out Pest Control today at (517) 548-7709 or email us using the form below.